Visible Outcomes Events
Visible Outcomes is a social enterprise aiming to serve communities. Our mission is to embrace, educate and integrate.
We organizes community events activities with its partner organisations such as Salford CVS, Revive, SALIX Homes, Salford Health Improvement Team, Seedley and Longworthy Trust, Salford City Council, the Greater Manchester Police, Refugee Action, Community Pride Unit, Salford University, other Voluntary and Community organisations, and local community groups
Through our community events, we aim to promote the following:
- Community cohesion
- Equality and diversity across all sections of communities in Salford
- Health and well being amongst the Refugee and Asylum seeking communities
- Awareness on hate crime issues, difficulties and issues faced by Refugees and Asylum Seekers and so on.
Each year we organised the following events in partnership with other status agencies and local authority.
- March: international women’s day
- June: Refugee Week Event
- August: Summer together break event
- October: Black History Month Event
- Christmas Celebration Event
Our events and announcements will be published progressively. Please return on this page and check for our latest and upcoming events.

Our Partners

About Visible Outcomes
Visible Outcomes is an idea for social business that was conceptualized by the members of Salford Refugee Forum to help and support forum members in difficulty time of austerity which has impacted on reduction of services available for this particular group.
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